4 Top Reasons For Having Panic Button Alarm For Hospitality Staff

Employee safety is becoming a big concern in the hospitality industry because employees are at the forefront of optimal customer experience. Even as the hospitality industry tries to win over scarce customers, it is important to recognize the role of employees in their success. Employees who feel safe are more confident and friendly to the guests when serving them. A panic button alarm for hospitality staff is very useful in ensuring staff safety. Why does your establishment need these safety devices?

1. They Protect Staff Against Harassment

Housekeeping staff members are sometimes at risk of harassment by unscrupulous guests. Cases of sexual assault and other physical harm happen. It is the responsibility of the management to put in place protection measures for their employees.

A panic button system for hospitality staff secures your employees by summoning help when they are in distress. Today's panic buttons are equipped with location tracking such that you can pinpoint where the distress is coming from and respond fast. A visible panic button will also act as a deterrence to a person with malicious intentions. 

2. They Help Staff Respond to Emergencies 

Hospitality employees are exposed to different risks in their work. Lugging and pushing heavy weights can lead to twisting, falling, or limb injuries. An employee can call for help with a panic button, which helps faster medical emergency help.

Guests sometimes have emergencies too. For example, when an employee could come across a guest having a heart attack on the establishment of property, they can summon help. Responding a few minutes faster can save a life.

3. They Help Staff Control Rowdy Situations 

Hospitality staff sometimes come across unruly situations where their intervention could cause even more chaos. For example, a family dispute could cause discomfort to other guests, but the employee may feel it is not wise to intervene. They can summon security personnel, who are better at handling such situations. A panic button enables employees to call for help without exacerbating the situation. 

4. It Is a Legal Requirement 

Some states have enacted laws requiring hospitality establishments to provide safety measures for their employees, including the provision of panic buttons. Failure to provide these devices leads to legal consequences, including fines.

An employee can also have grounds for a legal suit if they can prove that they were not adequately protected at work, leading to guest harassment. Providing a panic button alarm for hospitality staff stops such claims.

Are you concerned about your employees' safety? Talk to a security systems provider like TraknProtect about installing a panic button system for hospitality staff. 
